Survey Says: KS Parents ♥️ School Choice

Bishop Ward High School students at the 2020 School Choice Rally in Topeka.

Interest in school choice is increasing across the nation. According to a recent survey, here in Kansas, parents are empowered by their ability to choose the K-12 educational options that best suit their child.

The survey, conducted through the nonpartisan organization EdChoice, included feedback from nearly 1,000 Kansas parents, with responses from parents of students across the spectrum of school settings.

Based on survey responses, safety and school climate were the most important factors for parents. Consistently, parents participating in school choice programs felt better on all of the survey’s six measures of school climate compared to parents of children in traditional public schools.

Other takeaways from parents participating in school choice programs:

  • 81% say that their children have good relationships with their teachers
  • 76% say that their children are safe at school
  • 72% say that their current schools’ staff makes the parents feel welcome
  • 73% say that the parents have good relationships with the teachers

And over half of parents said school choice “made me feel like I’m more in charge of my child’s education.”

Help Raise Awareness for School Choice

National School Choice Week is January 23-27 and on Wednesday, January 25, educators, families and students will visit Topeka for the Kansas School Choice Rally. If school choice has impacted you or your family, one of the best ways you can shine a positive spotlight on the effectiveness of school choice programs is by telling your story. Contact your legislator today to share your support for school choice.

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