Make a Bigger Impact with a Stock Gift


Are you looking for new ways to further your impact this giving season? Stock gifts may be the answer.

By donating appreciated assets like stocks, bonds or mutual funds directly to Catholic Education Foundation you may be able to avoid paying capital gains taxes on the stock’s appreciation, effectively increasing your donation and decreasing your tax exposure.

If you have a Kansas state income tax liability, you may consider donating stock directly to CEF to receive Kansas state income tax credits. You’ll avoid costly capital gains taxes (levied on the federal and state level) and you’ll get a 75% KS income tax credit which can wipe out your state tax liability.

Making a gift of stock directly to CEF allows you to make a much larger gift at a much lower cost, especially when you factor in the state income tax credits and capital gains savings. You’ll make a bigger impact with a stock gift than almost any other gift method.

Additionally, more and more donors are using their donor advised funds for the donation of appreciated assets. By contributing appreciated securities to a donor advised fund, you may be eligible for an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time. You can choose one charity to receive the proceeds or divide them among multiple charities.

Learn More About Our Tax Credit Program

Reach out to Kristin Castle today to schedule a meeting or call 913-721-1572 to learn more about ways to maximize your support for students most in need.