Record $4.1million Awarded in Scholarships


It’s been a record-breaking year for CEF scholarships with $4.1 million awarded for the 2022-2023 school year - up 29% from last year! Thanks to the generosity of our CEF community, 1,769 students have access to a safe, quality, family-focused learning environment this year.

CEF recently hosted a school tour for Board members and supporters. Guests toured two CEF schools, John Paul II Catholic School in Overland Park and Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, KS. After meeting with students and staff at these two schools, the group was joined by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann for celebratory luncheon at Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. During the luncheon, John Paul II students performed two songs for the guests and CEF presented the Archbishop and Dr. Vince Cascone, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, with a check for $4,183,537 representing the total scholarships that CEF will fund this school year.

“We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated Catholics in the Archdiocese who make sacrifices - big and small - to provide the gift of a Catholic education to children in need,” shared Vince Anch, CEF Executive Director.

Celebrating 25 years of service this year, CEF has been a reliable source of funding for Catholic schools in northeast Kansas and served as a bridge for low-income families. With tuition assistance from CEF, students in need receive support throughout their K-12 career and the opportunity to grow and learn in faith-filled environments that offer a path to academic and lifelong success.

Since 2007, CEF has awarded more than $28 million and 22,000 scholarships and helped strengthen enrollment in schools throughout northeast Kansas, particularly those in urban and rural communities. Today, there are 23 CEF schools and CEF scholarship programs at work in 11 of the 21 counties within the Archdiocese.

This investment in our students makes a difference. Despite the many financial and socioeconomic challenges that at-risk students face, with the support of our caring Catholic school teachers and community, CEF scholarship recipients have achieved a 100% graduation and advancement rate the past few years.

Support Catholic Education

There’s no better way to support at-risk students in northeast Kansas than through a donation to CEF. Your gift provides scholarships that help Catholic schools support our communities' most vulnerable students.