Meet the "Archangels" Among Us!


by Kathy O'Hara

If all of the donors to CEF are “Angels Among Us,” then the 2015 Gaudeamus honorees must be “Archangels” among us! The Ledoms, McAnanys, and Newcomers have not only given of their treasure, but of their time and talent since the earliest beginnings of CEF nearly 20 years ago. Mark Ledom, Nelson Newcomer, and Pat McAnany each have served as chair of the foundation’s board, and they each have left that role with the foundation in an increasingly better position.

During a time of transition for CEF, Mark, for all practical purposes, managed the foundation until an executive director  was hired and settled in. To her credit, Lisa Ledom, Mark’s wife, was exceptionally supportive of all the time and effort Mark gave, and she added her own volunteer time, as well. I still remember Mark’s impassioned plea for donations to the CEF scholarship fund at one of the first Gaudeamus dinners that resulted in the most dollars raised to that point at that event.

Nelson followed Mark, with perhaps a different style, but with equal passion. Marcia, Nelson’s wife, followed the lead of Lisa Ledom in working behind the scenes on the myriad details of CEF activities, a task she continues to this day. Nelson and Marcia’s quiet but steadfast support of CEF helped ensure that the momentum that was building in CEF would continue and grow stronger, and it did.

Pat and Mel McAnany graciously volunteered to succeed the Newcomers and also quietly but firmly kept CEF pointed forward, not being content to settle for what was by that time a great status quo. They both provided unique insights at times when those were most needed. Their involvement in other important Catholic entities in the Archdiocese helped us maintain good relationships with the greater Church in northeast Kansas.

Each of these couples’ dedication and commitment to CEF has continued even though they are not serving in their roles as board chairs. They continue to donate their time, talent, and treasure each and every year. Perhaps equally important, they remain our biggest cheerleaders! Thank you Mark, Lisa, Nelson, Marcia, Pat, and Mel for all you have done and continue to do for CEF and for Catholic school students in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and congratulations on a well-deserved award!

Help us honor these amazing Angels Among Us at the next Gaudeamus dinner on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at the Overland Park Convention Center.

Get Ready to Celebrate!

This year’s Gaudeamus benefit gala will be on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 at the Overland Park Convention Center. Please plan to join us as honor Archbishop Naumann and raise funds for scholarships for students in need.