Getting Together to Give Back


Service is an integral part of our young professionals group, the CEF Futures.

Earlier this summer, they visited St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Kansas City, KS to help refresh the school cafeteria. In addition to priming and painting, Futures members attended mass together and spent time connecting with teachers and school administrators.

“As someone who was fortunate to attend Catholic school growing up, the Catholic Education Foundation is a great way to give back,” said Matt Heitmann, Futures member.

“To be a part of a group that gives young individuals the opportunity to obtain a Catholic education is incredibly rewarding. Whether it be monetary donations or donations of time during the service days, CEF provides a true sense of community.” - Matt Heitmann, CEF Futures member

CEF Futures engages young Catholics, mid-20s through late-30s, who are passionate about philanthropy and supporting Catholic education. From organizing fundraising events to volunteering at CEF schools and their monthly giving program, Futures members share their time and talents throughout the year to further CEF’s work in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese.

Get Connected with CEF Futures

Ready to join? Learn more about how to get involved and upcoming Futures events and volunteer opportunities by signing up for the Futures mailing list.