Joining CEF Futures Made Me a Better Teacher


By Theresa Gross

Three years ago, I was a senior in college beginning to look for the next path Jesus had for me. I would graduate in a few months with degrees in English and Secondary Education. My heart was torn between teaching in a Catholic school, where I could share and teach the Faith openly, and teaching at a public school, where I saw a real need for Catholic teachers to make a difference in the lives of struggling and broken families and students. I ended up signing a contract with St. Agnes, a CEF school. Teaching at a CEF school has fulfilled both of those desires in my heart. I am able to share the faith, but I am also able to make a difference in the lives of students who, without CEF, might not have been able to attend a Catholic School.

About a year ago, I was asked if I was interested in being a part of Futures for CEF. I was incredibly honored to join such a fantastic group of people who share my passion for providing excellent Catholic education. I feel so lucky to be able to bring a Catholic education to my students in the classroom but also to be a part of making it possible for future students to be given this same opportunity.

Being a part of CEF Futures has also helped me as a teacher.

When I see the passion and work that members of CEF are willing to put into providing a Catholic Education for all, it calls me and challenges me in what I am doing in my classroom.

It begs the question, is the education that I am offering worth the effort that these people are putting in? Am I truly providing the excellent education in my classroom that these people are talking about? It holds me to a higher standard, and I can’t help but feel challenged to do my best to provide an education that matches what CEF and the generous donors are giving.

Originally published on January 5, 2017

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