Fund Serves Like an Angel


by Brad Newcomer

The Catechism notes: “The whole life of the Church benefits from the mysterious and powerful help of the angels.”  I cannot help but reflect upon that statement and how appropriate it is to CEF’s Guardian Angel Fund.

The Guardian Angel Fund provides short-term scholarships to help students stay in their CEF schools when their families face an unexpected financial crisis (job loss, medical emergency, etc.).  These scholarships are funded through events hosted by the CEF Futures (young professionals committee), including last month’s Art Event at Boulevard Brewery.

Last year, the Guardian Angel Fund provided more than $27,000 in scholarships.That need has only continued to grow; CEF projects nearly $40,000 in scholarships will be required in 2017.

I encourage you to read just a few of the touching stories of the families who have been helped by the Guardian Angel Fund on our website. I know you will count your blessings and thank God for CEF and the Guardian Angel fund - indeed!  

As you will see, this fund has provided scholarships for students whose families are facing very difficult circumstances, such as the death of a parent, a cancer diagnosis, the loss of a job or a devastating car accident. As one mother said in a letter accompanying her family’s application, “I am willing to do anything to keep my kids at their school as I feel like God is the only chance they/I have at this point in our lives. I am willing to volunteer my free time, help with any activities or do anything to make that happen. They love their school family and I honestly could not ask for a better support system for us than the teachers and staff.”

There is no doubt that this fund has served like an angel, benefiting the entire body of Church. Thanks to all who support the Guardian Angel Fund with their time, talent, and treasure.

Interested in Applying for a Scholarship?

If you or a family you know is considering Catholic education, tuition assistance is available from the Catholic Education Foundation.