CEF Schools are Ready to Grow


Spring has finally arrived and CEF schools are ready to grow. This year, CEF scholarships helped welcome more than 300 new students to our Catholic schools, awarding 1,761 scholarships totaling $4.1million to students at 26 CEF schools. As Catholic schools begin enrolling students for the 2023-24 school year, it’s clear that tuition assistance is more important than ever before.

This economy is hitting families hard. While the benefits of Catholic education are clear, for single and struggling parents, tuition costs can make a Catholic education seem out of reach.

“CEF scholarships help us welcome students who wouldn’t be able to attend our school without tuition assistance,” shared Karen Farrell, principal of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School in Maryville, KS.

Since 2007, CEF has awarded more than 22,000 scholarships for students in need, many living at or below the poverty level. This consistent support has helped stabilize and strengthen enrollment growth at K-12 Catholic schools throughout northeast Kansas, especially those in urban and rural communities.

While enrollment projections for the 2023-24 school year are forthcoming, with your support, CEF can provide the funding needed to welcome new at-risk students to the family-oriented, faith-filled learning environments that our Catholic schools provide.

Interested in Catholic education?

CEF partners with K-12 schools throughout the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas to ensure students of all backgrounds have the opportunity to receive a quality, faith-filled education.