CEF Scholarships Strengthen Growth at Catholic Schools


Catholic schools offer a safe, high-quality, faith-focused education, giving children the tools they need to succeed. However, tuition costs can be a barrier for families in need.

Over our 25-year history, tuition assistance scholarships from the Catholic Education Foundation have helped lift children out of poverty, stabilize and strengthen enrollment growth at K-12 schools throughout the Archdiocese.

In addition to projected enrollment increases at many CEF-supported schools, more than 250 new students are expected to use CEF scholarships at the start of this school year. The need for additional CEF scholarship support has never been more important.

With your support, CEF can meet the increased need for financial assistance and ensure our communities’ most vulnerable children have access to the family-oriented support systems available at our Catholic schools.

Give the Gift of Catholic Education

Help students most in need access the safe, high-quality, learning environments the our Catholic schools provide.