Reaching New Heights in Support for Catholic Education


In 2023, the Catholic Education Foundation achieved record-breaking success! Thanks to our generous community, CEF provided unparalleled scholarship support to students and schools throughout the Archdiocese. Together, we empowered more students than ever before to experience the truth, beauty, and goodness of Catholic education.

Your generosity made the following possible:

  • awarding $4.1 million in scholarships for the 2022-23 school year
  • ensuring nearly 1,800 students could receive a Catholic education
  • empowering CEF scholars to achieve a 100% graduation rate
  • raising more than $2.4 million at Gaudeamus

There are many exciting things in store for 2024! We look forward to partnering with our CEF schools, parish communities, and supporters this year to ensure students of all backgrounds have the opportunity to receive a Catholic education.

Support Catholic Education

There’s no better way to support at-risk students in northeast Kansas than through a donation to CEF. Your gift provides scholarships that help Catholic schools support our communities' most vulnerable students.