1,800 students head to Catholic schools with CEF scholarships


For 25 years, CEF has helped stabilize Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. While Catholic schools in underserved communities around the U.S. were closing, CEF scholarships helped attract new families and spur Catholic school enrollment in northeast Kansas.

Now, thanks to the tremendous response of Catholic schools during the pandemic, nationwide enrollment at Catholic schools is increasing for the first time in 25 years. With the generous financial support of CEF donors, schools supported by CEF are projected to outpace national enrollment trends and reach new heights for the 2022-’23 school year.

Enrollment at area Catholic schools outpace national enrollment trends.

This year, CEF is poised to provide scholarships for more than 1,800 students attending 27 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese, providing nearly $4 million in financial assistance.

In addition to projected enrollment increases, more than 250 additional students are counting on CEF scholarships for this school year. The need for additional CEF scholarship support has never been more important.

Help CEF Say "Yes" to All Scholarship Requests

Your support paves the way for students of all backgrounds to begin and continue their invaluable Catholic education journey.